Cotton fibre starbound

Cotton Fibre is a crafting material that is obtained through farming. Harvesting a cotton plant will drop cotton fibre. I need to upgrade my armour to the next tier and that requires Cotton Wool.

It seems to be rare and I have no source . New player needs helpLiczba postów: 10Paź 2016Cotton WoolLiczba postów: 2Sie 2016Feedback - Why do things take soooooooo. Liczba postów: 12Mar 2015Więcej wyników z community. KopiaTłumaczenie stronylip 20- I've been looking everywhere but I can't find them.

Looked at but didn't really help. The Erchius Horror is the boss encountered during the mission at the Erchius Mining Facility. Cotton is an incredibly important resource in Starboun but it can be. Cotton Seed as well as the fiber itself.

I'm farming some from the few seeds I have foun but I'm gonna need quite a bit more for me and my friend to craft tier armor sets. Currently cotton plants are the only viable way to obtain cotton. You also need cotton to craft the tier II armors, so you should get several of .


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